Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Animal Experimentation essays

Animal Experimentation essays The United States government should come up with alternatives to animal experimentation. The use of animals in research, testing, and education is an issue of increasing concern to the American public. An increasing number of adults and teenagers are concerned about the welfare of laboratory animals. Animal testing, or vivisection, is the testing of cosmetics, drugs, household products and many other everyday items on animals. Vivisection literally means cutting alive. And that is exactly what happens. Every second, of every day, of every year, an animal dies in research labs in the United States. That means that while you have been reading this, about 30 defenseless animals have died in a laboratory (Harris). It is impossible to know the exact number of animals that have died in the name of science. This is due partly to the fact that some scientists refuse to disclose the details of their experiments. However, using the facts that are available, it is estimated that academic researchers in America alone use between 17 and 22 million animals per year. The cosmetics industry uses about a million more animals (Coleman). Animal experimentation is said to be necessary for the welfare and health of humans. This is simply not true. Animal experiments mislead doctors and the general public. Diseases such as cancer, which are artificially induced in laboratory animals, have no relationship to the diseases that affect humans, because these diseases are largely caused by lifestyle and pollution (Vivisection). Many people that are not familiar with the issue of animal experimentation are concerned that if we dont experiment on animals we will be forced to experiment on humans. Isnt this already the case? When we take a new drug, we are part of an experiment, because we differ from the animals on which the drug was tested. Drugs, which have minor or no side effects on animals, have ca ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Dubai-climate

Dubai is a coastal city lying between 22 and 26 degrees north, the United Arab Emirates lies within a sub-region of the northern desert belt, characterized by scanty and erratic rainfall, and high levels for temperature, humidity, and sunshine. Winter sunshine averages eight hours per day, while the summer figure reaches as high as eleven hours a day. Despite this apparently stable climatic picture, the weather does show a remarkable degree of local variability, throwing up thunder storms, fog, gale force winds, sand storms and, of course, rain. The UAE is the first country in the Middle East to introduce the Satellite Delivered Information System technology (SADIS), a weather forecasting technology which covers the globe, with the exception of Polar Zones. According to the National Meteorological Authority (NMA), which is affiliated to the Ministry of Communications, the system supplies data on temperature, humidity, volcanoes and wind directions. It also enables the UAE to receive the latest forecasts for centers all over the world through direct contact with the world center in London. The weather chart during much of the year shows a ridge of high pressure extending southwards into central Saudi Arabia with lower pressure over the eastern Gulf. Prevailing light to moderate north-westerly winds, known by their Arabic name shamal, meaning 'north', are associated with mid-latitude disturbances. Along the western coastal plain, sea breezes tend to dominate with light south-south-easterlies at night being replaced by moderate north-westerlies during daytime. This pattern changes on the east coast where the proximity of the mountains results in gusty and less predictable wind shifts. A good strong blast of northerly shamal is usually preceded in the UAE by strong southerly winds, raising desert sands and reducing visibility. The shift to northerly winds may be quite sudden and can be accompanied by rain, thunder s... Free Essays on Dubai-climate Free Essays on Dubai-climate Dubai is a coastal city lying between 22 and 26 degrees north, the United Arab Emirates lies within a sub-region of the northern desert belt, characterized by scanty and erratic rainfall, and high levels for temperature, humidity, and sunshine. Winter sunshine averages eight hours per day, while the summer figure reaches as high as eleven hours a day. Despite this apparently stable climatic picture, the weather does show a remarkable degree of local variability, throwing up thunder storms, fog, gale force winds, sand storms and, of course, rain. The UAE is the first country in the Middle East to introduce the Satellite Delivered Information System technology (SADIS), a weather forecasting technology which covers the globe, with the exception of Polar Zones. According to the National Meteorological Authority (NMA), which is affiliated to the Ministry of Communications, the system supplies data on temperature, humidity, volcanoes and wind directions. It also enables the UAE to receive the latest forecasts for centers all over the world through direct contact with the world center in London. The weather chart during much of the year shows a ridge of high pressure extending southwards into central Saudi Arabia with lower pressure over the eastern Gulf. Prevailing light to moderate north-westerly winds, known by their Arabic name shamal, meaning 'north', are associated with mid-latitude disturbances. Along the western coastal plain, sea breezes tend to dominate with light south-south-easterlies at night being replaced by moderate north-westerlies during daytime. This pattern changes on the east coast where the proximity of the mountains results in gusty and less predictable wind shifts. A good strong blast of northerly shamal is usually preceded in the UAE by strong southerly winds, raising desert sands and reducing visibility. The shift to northerly winds may be quite sudden and can be accompanied by rain, thunder s...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Data Structure Using C++ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Data Structure Using C++ - Essay Example In the context of the above brief discussion, Big O notation can be defined as a description of the growth rate of the order of a function T(N) as N becomes very large (Ellard 1997). In C++, the only difference between classes and structures is that all the members and base classes in structure are public by default, whereas, classes have private members and base classes by default. Dynamic Objects are those objects whose lifetimes are independent of the existence of the scope in which they were created and therefore, they give programmers a greater flexibility in managing the objects (Kafura 1996). In C++, a dynamic object can be created using a â€Å"new† operator which returns a pointer to a newly constructed object. On the other hand, to destruct a dynamic object in C++, a â€Å"delete† operator is used which takes an argument of a pointer variable that holds the pointer to the object that is returned by the â€Å"new† operator at the time of creating a dynamic object (Kafura 1996). The free store is a dynamic memory area which is available to allocate (by using the â€Å"new† operator) and deallocate (by using the â€Å"delete† operator) storage for objects during the execution of the program. A â€Å"null pointer† is a special kind of pointer which is distinguishable from all other pointer values and is not the address of any object or function. It is used to refer to the pointer which is â€Å"not allocated† or â€Å"not pointing anywhere yet†. However, it is important to note that a null pointer is not the same as an uninitialized value (Summit 1994). (a) A destructors is the special kind of function with the same name as its class prefixed by a ~ (tilde) which is called for a class object to deallocate memory and do other cleanup for a class object and its class members when the object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. For example: An AVL tree, also called height balanced, is